

How subtle can you get?

Each reaping initiates a new process of growth in a plant, and that growth takes shape in the present context of environment. The soft texture and delicate fragrance of an herb in early May reflects the cool mist of the new spring it was born into.

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Shifting Seasons

Shifting Seasons

There is a shift in the air today, and I can feel the sun is beginning to set on another summer... Soon the landscape will change color and shape again.

Dynamics systems require dynamic response. Participating in a long term relationship with the natural world, means one must evolve in tandem.

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Flower Medicine (We're not that different from the bees after all)

Flower Medicine (We're not that different from the bees after all)

We’re not that different from the bees after all. Helplessly romanced by the allure of a blossom unfurling into a flower...

Flowers reliably command our gaze, silently beckoning us with their sweet, soft scent traveling effortlessly through the ether. An invisible cord compels us toward them until we find ourselves transfixed, bent forward or on a knee, nose deep in delicate petals.

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